Who would be the audience for your media product and how did you attract/address your audience?
For the first question; our audience is primarily young adults/older teenagers. The reason for this is that a key appeal for the target audience of Thrillers is characters which they can relate to and build a rapport with as the narrative continues. This can be seen in Scream which aimed to appeal mainly to a young adult audience - Through using a mainly teenage cast, each with their own individual story the audience was able to relate to the characters and therefore become more interested in the film and what happened to the characters.
The same can be applied to our thriller, with a young teenage victim, and if we were to create the rest of the film, a teenage antagonist. The ability to relate and communicate to the audience with their own age-group helps solidify our target audience and increase the chances of them enjoying the product and relate to it.
As we continued our focus around our audience, which included gaining feedback from the same focus group we had for the first part, we're able to gain information about our audience's likeness towards the film, there ideas for improvement, there ideas - at the end of the day our audience watches and either enjoys or dislikes the film. It revolves around them, which is why we took such an interest in gaining their responses and feedback.
Research surrounding our audience's needs were also conducted to gain further knowledge into how our audience might respond and how to best reach them on a personal level. I researched into Audience Theory Analysis: Uses & Gratifications, where I highlighted certain areas our thriller will focus upon and may perform well at and tick the boxes: Information; satisfying curiosity and general interest, learning; self-education, gaining a sense of security through knowledge. Personal Identity; Gaining insight into circumstances of others; social empathy, finding a basis for conversation and social interaction. Entertainment; Escaping, or being diverted, from problems; relaxing. All of the research derived from audience needs, so by making sure that at least some of the gratifications were met, meant that our audience were more likely to enjoy and think highly of our opening.
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