Monday, 18 April 2016

Evaluation: Question 3

For this question I answered it in the form of a mind-map. With each branch explaining in detail why I chose the company I did, to distribute our thriller.

Advanced links with Dimension Films and Our Film's Distribution:

For Scream, Casey Becker(Drew Barrymore) opens the film with her terrifying death where she is tormented over the telephone. It quickly became an iconic scene as nobody could believe that this A-list actor died so soon in the film.
Our own film opening introduces with a similar scene, however our opening has no dialogue - we brought this feature in to try and cement our sort of filming style where we think that actions speak louder than words.

As mentioned previously, our thriller opening depicts the victim to be a young woman - like in 'Scream' and 'Halloween'. We've used this formula of a female victim as successful horror/thriller movies in the past have used the same technique. It's part of something that works for thrillers and we thought 'why change it?'.

When actually considering where to distribute our thriller, I believe our thriller would be suitable for cinema release as already mentioned, our thriller contains many links to successful cinema-released  thrillers like Scream & Halloween etc. The target audience is aware of cinemas and often attend new releases at the cinema- The modern forms of marketing are also directed more towards the younger generation(our target audience), as social media sites are predominantly used by younger people. Adverts, videos and articles advertised on social media will more likely reach them, furthermore images from set, posters etc. again, are spread through the internet and social media therefore will attract a larger audience. Especially our target audience considering the fact that they use social media and the internet etc. a lot more in today's technology driven world.

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