Monday 19 October 2015

Q1 - Preliminary Evaluation

Hey, me again;

Our preliminary task is done and dusted and I know our group really enjoyed making it.

The first step of our evaluation is answering this question: What have you learned during the making of your preliminary task?

- Technical Aspects
In terms of equipment, everything was brand new to our team. I was somewhat familiar with using cameras as I have my own FUIJI camera at home. I haven't however ever used it for filming, so this entire project was a learning experience for all of us; practical things like mounting the camera onto the tripods and mounting the camera on the shoulder mount was something we had never done before and therefore something we had learnt. For the more technical side of things like editing, it was also a learning curve however not a huge one; for me personally it wasn't that brand new as I have used editing programs before and know what to do when it comes to editing. Although, I have never used any of the Adobe CC programs so getting to grips with those programs was also a new experience for me.

- Time Management & Storyboarding
As we were working within a deadline, my team and I had to co-ordinate and plan our filming & editing time allocation. So, in order for us to complete our preliminary task within the given time span, our time management skills had to be put to use. The first few lessons we used to plan out our filming schedule and complete our storyboard. Once completed, we used our storyboard as an outline for the shots we wanted to capture and the story we wanted to produce with the footage. Finally we decided our last week before the deadline would be used for editing and finalising our footage.

- Group Work and Issues regarding Continuity
Right from the start we knew we'd have to decide who was doing what, and we quickly decided that we will all have a say on the production and capturing as after all, it was our group project and we would all be involved within it. Although only two of us were involved in the actual acting, the work behind the camera was vital to getting the shots we wanted to get the right effect and convey our planned story. The editing was also a team effort in it's handling so that we could all have a say in the final product and see our efforts put together on screen. Continuity wasn't really an issue for our team, as arrogant as that sounds, we had prepared for the constant movement of camera positions and change in clothing so that we knew right from the word go what we wanted to do and how we were going to do it. Common issues such as clothing, mise-en-scene and position weren't present for us as we had planned to combat these issues back when we were still in the planning phase.

Overall I am quite confident my group and I learnt a lot from this experience and are confident going into the main task. For myself especially, I know that I have benefited from this task and am now assured that we can complete the main task without too much trouble.

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